Jarvis Restoration Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Mold Remediation’

Mold vs. Mildew: What’s the Difference?

Monday, July 1st, 2024

When it comes to household invaders, mold and mildew are two of the most common culprits that can wreak havoc on your home and health. With all our years of experience with mold remediation in Orange County, we’ve seen firsthand the damage mold and mildew can cause if left unchecked. 

Understanding the differences between mold and mildew is crucial for effective prevention and remediation. In this post, we’ll clarify the distinctions in terms of appearance, health effects, and removal methods, and emphasize the importance of professional intervention.

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Debunking Common Myths About Mold

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Mold is a common and serious problem for homes—but it’s common enough for there to be many misunderstandings and myths about it. This adds to the confusion people feel when faced with a mold infestation or mold growth due to water damage. We’re licensed professionals with a long history of handling mold remediation in Orange County, CA

Below, we’ll address some of the most prevalent mold myths about mold and provide you with the professional insight you need.

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How Mold Gets Into Your Home

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

As a leading home restoration company specializing in mold remediation in Orange County, we understand how crucial it is to keep your home mold-free. Mold can pose serious health risks and cause extensive damage to your property if left untreated. 

Today, we’ll discuss how mold gets into your home, common areas where it starts, and offer prevention tips to help keep mold at bay. If mold does take hold in your home, rely on our professional mold remediation services to handle the situation safely and effectively.

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DIY Mold Removal vs. Professional Remediation

Monday, April 8th, 2024

Mold isn’t a minor problem for a home, an unsightly blemish. It’s also a health hazard. Mold spores can cause allergic reactions, respiratory issues, and other serious health problems, especially in children, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems. 

If you have a problem with mold in your house, you have a choice: to tackle the issue through DIY methods or to call in professional mold remediation services. But this isn’t much of a choice when it comes down to the basic facts. We offer mold remediation, and we can offer insight into both approaches to explain why you always want to go with professionals.

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Identifying Mold in Your Home

Monday, March 25th, 2024

Mold: it’s a word that no homeowner wants to hear. Yet, in places like Orange County, our mix of coastal air, occasional heavy rains, and warm temperatures can create the perfect breeding ground for these unwelcome guests. 

Mold in your home isn’t just unsightly. It can also pose serious health risks and damage the structure of your house if left unaddressed. That’s where the expertise of a professional mold remediation service, such as Jarvis Restoration, becomes invaluable. You can depend on us for your Orange County mold removal needs. 

First, we’d like to help you identify if you’ve got mold in your home.

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What Are the Common Effects of Water Damage on a Home?

Monday, March 18th, 2024

In our previous post, we looked at how the recent Southern California rains may have damaged your home. Today, we’re going to look deeper into the general effects of water damage in a house, going beyond the exterior of the home to look at what kind of damage flooding can inflict. Water damage is both varied and insidious, which is why it’s a difficult task to recover from it. It’s not a job you can do on your own—you must have a professional and licensed water restoration company in Orange County handle the extensive recovery process.

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Let’s Have a Serious Talk About the Dangers of Mold

Monday, January 1st, 2024

Water damage is a major risk to homes, and handling restoration for water damage in Orange County, CA is one of the key services we’ve offered since we started in business. Cleaning up water damage and restoring property is more detailed than mopping up the water: this type of damage leads to mold, and mold remediation is often a crucial part of the restoration process.

Today, we want to look closer at mold and talk about the dual dangers it presents. It threatens the health of your family and the integrity of your home.

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Helping to Create a Mold-Free Living Environment

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

You don’t want mold inside your home, but you may not realize how much building damage mold can do and how it affects the health of people in your household. Mold will create serious structural damage if it gets into the wood of a house, and the health risks can be severe. 

You want to have a mold-free environment if possible. Sometimes that will require working with home restoration professionals like us to handle mold remediation in Orange County, CA. There are also steps you can take to prevent mold growth in the first place. We’ll take a look at the best paths to a mold-free living environment for you and your family.

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Why Hiring Home Damage Restoration Professionals Matters

Monday, July 3rd, 2023

We offer professional home restoration services in Orange County, CA, and we have since 1970—long before most of the homes in the area were even built. With over 30,000 structures restored (and counting!), we’re one of the most experienced professional companies you can work with.

And professionalism matters in this business. When your home suffers serious damage from fire, flooding, mold, etc., the only contractors to turn to for assistance are professionals. This isn’t an area where you want to cut corners to attempt to save a few dollars. You might think about tackling the job as a DIY project, but in this post we’ll explain the essential role that professionals play in home damage restoration and show the benefits they bring.

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Steps to Take When You Need Damage Restoration for Your Home

Monday, June 19th, 2023

Having to go through the process of restoring your home after damage due to fire, water, earthquakes, storms, or other disaster is a stressful process that most homeowners hope they never have to experience. We recently wrote about how to help deal with the mental stress of your house sustaining major damage, and we urge you to read that first if you’ve arrived at our website soon after your home’s disaster.

One of the key steps we listed was to get started early with restoration and to stay focused on the outcome. This is where we can help you the most: we offer full home restoration services in Orange County, CA, including fire and water damage restoration, and we’ve been doing these jobs for more than fifty years. We also work with all insurance companies, taking much of the burden off your hands. 

Today we want to give you a step-by-step guide for what to do when your home is damaged or you’ve discovered major damage. 

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